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Protect Our Choice

Connecting Women’s and LGBTQIA Rights Advocacy Groups to Blockchains


Web3, supported by blockchain technology, is the future of social organization. Global economies, individual finances, real estate, and even our social lives are moving to web3. If all of these societal pillars are migrating to blockchains… so too should social justice.

Web3 is the next frontier in community organization and fundraising, unfortunately, social activism, especially women’s rights and LGBTQIA activism, has yet to truly take advantage of these expanding web3 opportunities.

Our goal at Protect Our Choice is to provide an education platform as well as unique technology services to help those underrepresented nonprofit advocacy groups to get a piece of the nearly $1 trillion pool of cryptocurrency wealth.


Protect Our Choice is a cryptocurrency-backed startup that helps women’s and LGBTQIA rights advocacy groups more easily leverage web3 resources for their fundraising and community development needs.

Our education and outreach portal (currently in development) will provide tailored guidance that will help these underrepresented nonprofits learn all they need to learn about receiving cryptocurrency donations. Everything from creating a wallet and learning how to navigate certain taxes and laws, to setting up telegram and discord communities, and teaching them the unique marketing strategies to target cryptocurrency holders.


Protect Our Choice is partnering withThe Giving Blockto create a unique decentralized app (known as a"dApp") that will allow crypto holders to donate to their favorite nonprofits easily, and anonymously with just a few clicks.

Once our donation dApp is complete, we're excited to build a decentralized fertility tracker, to help protect your most sensitive data.


Decentralized Freedom

As a women-led development team, we felt the shockwaves of the decision to overturn Roe vs Wade in June 2022. Soon after that die was cast, reports of malicious data breaches started to surface. From Planned Parenthood scheduling data being shared with Meta to Facebook messages being hacked, women’s private health data was being attacked.

One huge data security issue involves web-based fertility trackers. Millions of women use fertility tracking apps as their family planning strategy, however, to date, this data is housed on centralized servers, thus making it vulnerable to malicious data breaches.

In order to ensure fertility data remains private and anonymous, the Protect Our Choice team is building a decentralized fertility tracking dApp.

With the multitude of tracking apps on the market, we’d like to hear from YOU about what you look for in a fertility tracker. What do you like about the ones you have used, what don’t you like, what did you wish yours had? This is your chance to be a part of our movement! Please fill out the form below:

Share this form with the women in your life!



The Team

Shannon Jones and Katie Whelley lead a team of predominantly female professionals with diverse backgrounds to bring this platform and token to life. Our developers, community managers, graphic designers, outreach coordinators, and marketing professionals all provide a unique perspective based on their varying experiences.

Katie Whelley


Shannon Jones